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 I love to get lost in a good book, especially ones that challenge and allow you to escape into another world!

Currently reading

Lover Reborn: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
J.R. Ward

Reading progress update: I've read 33%.

The Saint - Tiffany Reisz

Impressive trade...a King for a king

The Saint by Tiffany Reisz

The Saint - Tiffany Reisz

Thoroughly enjoying story time with Nora!

Unbeloved by Madeline Sheehan

Unbeloved - Madeline Sheehan

An anticipated addition to the Undeniable series that has left me both sated and wanting more!

Dorothy's story is finally revealed and her actions over the years finally are defined by her reasoning. Jase and Hawk continue to struggle with the aftermath of that afternoon gathering.

The focus is on how to live life to the fullest and the long struggle many have to reach that conclusion.

Devil's Game by Joanna Wylde

Devil's Game - Joanna Wylde

  Guess what just arrived? Devil's Game! I know what I'm reading now

Veiled Innocence by Ella Frank

Veiled Innocence - Ella Frank

Where do I begin? Maybe with the fact that reading is my addiction. This story provided something way above a book buzz. This is the kind of book you dream of reaching for when you know there has got to be something good to read in the enormous TBR stash we all suffer.

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Reblogged from Angels With Attitude Book Reviews:

A to Z 2014 Reading Challenge

Reblogged from Sock Poppet at Play:

I'm not into challenges that feel too much like school, so I wanted one that would be just for fun. I created this one to accommodate my somewhat quirky personality. Join me if you're a little quirky, too. (Tweak as needed.)


Any books used to complete this challenge can be used for any other challenges you may be doing, but each book can be used for only one of the categories in this challenge. 


A is for April (the month in which you read the book)
B is for Bathing Suit (this book takes place at least partly in hot weather months)
C is for Children's book
D is for Doctor (one of the characters)
E is for Ever (in the title)
F is for Family (book is about a family or family relationships)
G is for Geography (the story takes place in at least two different countries)
H is for Heart (it's a love story)
I is for Ice (the setting is cold - snow, ice, rain)
J is for Jokes (the book is humorous)
K is for Keyboard (at least one character plays a musical instrument)
L is for Lamp (the book takes place before electricity was discovered)
M is for Mom (one of the characters)
N is for New-to-you author
O is for Out of This World (where the story takes place)
P is for Pilgrims (the story involves moving someplace new)
Q is for Question Mark in the title
R is for Run (the main character is running from something)
S is for Sequel to a book you've already read
T is for Time (the book travels time, moves through time quickly or flashes back)
U is for Useful (which you found the book to be)
V is for Veteran (at least one character is/was a member of a military force)
W is for Wind (the book blew you away)
X is for XXIV (it's the 24th book you read this year)
Y is for Yo-Yo (your emotions were up and down as you read the book)
Z is for Zoo (there is an animal on the cover)



My Top 10 Reads in 2013

The Siren  - Tiffany Reisz Rock Chick Revolution - Kristen Ashley Beyond Eden - Kele Moon Surviving Raine - Shay Savage A Song for Julia  - Charles Sheehan-Miles Reaper's Property  - Joanna Wylde Captive in the Dark  - C.J. Roberts Undeniable  - Madeline Sheehan The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1) - Tarryn Fisher Own the Wind: A Chaos Novel - Kristen Ashley

I’ve read 200+ books according to my 2013 Goodreads Book Challenge and at least 100 of them I’ve rated between 4 – 5 stars.  That means there are a lot of great books that aren’t mentioned here. I've managed to squeeze in more than 10 books by including series. The stand out discovery for me this year has been The Original Sinners Series, which I found to be one of the most entertaining and witty reads this year!


In no particular order, apart from The Original Sinners, here is My Top 10 books read in 2013:


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Audio Books

Captive in the Dark  - C.J. Roberts Seduced in the Dark - C.J. Roberts

I've just finished listening to the audible versions of the the first two books in the Dark Duet series.  Both are narrated by Emily Durante, who presented a convincing portrayal of the characters.  Neither book is for the faint of heart!

Reblogged from MrsJoseph: Books, Life & Wine:

Before you sign into Goodreads with your Amazon account...


by MrsJoseph

Read More Here: Genxposé

Source: http://genxpose.blogspot.com/2013/12/before-you-sign-into-goodreads-with.html

British Library uploads a million archival images for free for anyone to use, remix and repurpose.

Reblogged from AnnaMatsuyama:

Please repost and share the good news!


We have released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books digitised by Microsoft who then generously gifted the scanned images to us, allowing us to release them back into the Public Domain. The images themselves cover a startling mix of subjects: There are maps, geological diagrams, beautiful illustrations, comical satire, illuminated and decorative letters, colourful illustrations, landscapes, wall-paintings and so much more that even we are not aware of. 


Link to the article http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/digital-scholarship/2013/12/a-million-first-steps.html 


Link to the images http://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary 


"The Coming of Father Christmas" by MANNING, Eliza F. 

Source: http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/digital-scholarship/2013/12/a-million-first-steps.html

The 2013 Christmas Checklist

Reblogged from BookLikes:


Are you ready for Christmas time? Well, it's high time, it's one week left! Make sure your gifts are wrapped, shirts ironed, bellies empty and books ready.  We've prepared a checklist, just to make sure. 



Have you managed to find gifts for all your loved ones? If you still have no clue what to buy for Christmas, here are several things that can be found on every book lovers' gift list (Spotted on Silver Thistle. See more gifts for book lovers: 20 Gift Giving Ideas for Book Lovers...).


Dear Santa, here's our list: Bookopoly board game (read, play and have fun!), bookish phone charger and bloody good bookmark! (click image to go to blog)



Book-love found some more which could be divided into gifts in modern style: bookish lamp, book-scented perfume and Macbook Book-Case (we're sure it will fit others too), and more romantic with the spirit of the past: Penguin classic-inspired matchboxes, book-scented candle and personalized library embosser. And there's more here: 24 Insanely Clever Gifts For Book Lovers. (click the image to go to blog)




If you still don't feel like it's Christmas, we encourage you to try some craft projects which will put you in Christmas spirit and bring new decorations for your home and Christmas tree. Themis-Athena's Garden of Books found 7 Bookish Craft Projects to Put You in the Christmas Spirit (click images to go to blog).




Don't forget about Christmas Tree. It doesn't have to be huge or real tree, remember to make it look special. Here are some hints from Books2day and Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud how to make it extraordinary (click images to go to blogs).





Christmas time and family dinners require smart style. But don't resign from your individual look. Dress accurately to situation but with bookish touch :-)



Bookish skirt found on Mismatched Bookends blog, and Jane Austen Purse by Silver Thistle (click images to go to blogs).



It's holidays! Make sure you have enough book to fill up your leisure time. Christmas time is free from school, work, professional duties. And this all meas more reading time (after you cope with all Christmas duties)! You can follow December releases spotted by Debbie (see really impressive list of December new books here: December New Releases):


Or discover books matching the season: Snow, Ice and Cold Books listed on Kinga's Books blog:


and Great Wintery Reads presented by Peace ☮ Love ♥ Books blog:



We just couldn't r resist. Those cuties a la reindeer made our day :D



(via Tullia blog)


Do it on your own risk, though. The animals might not see your idea as "super-duper-funny-oh-you-look-so-cute!". Then just run ;-)


P.S. If you don't celebrate Christmas. Just hang in there and survive. We send you warms hugs. Find a peaceful place without jingle bells and all the blinks. Our survival winter kit can be useful as well: blanket, hot tea with raspberry marmalade and a good book in your hand. And enjoy your free time.


Winter Hugs for all ;-)

The Angel #TiffanyReisz

The Angel (The Original Sinners) - Tiffany Reisz

What better month than December to spend time with an Angel :)

Try by Ella Frank

Try - Ella Frank

Random choice of music to listen to while reading turns about to be perfect.  Muse -2nd Law

When you lose momentum in a series...

The Long Road - Dillon's Story - Jennifer Loren

46% in and....


I don't know if I've lost my momentum with this series or not because it feels like I'm reading about different characters? Decided to shelve this and pick it up again but only after I've read the first three books again.



Storm (Storm MC) by Nina Levine

Storm - Nina  Levine


Well, there’s no time wasted in being introduced to the characters! There was a good amount of angst, drama and 'family' entwined in the story.


Life seemed good for Madison, she had her life together again until that 'visit' arranged by her brother! Maddison has learnt to cope with the help of friends in her new town, having battled her addiction, an addiction that was a Band-Aid to the hurt and memories that life had dealt her.


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